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Continuité pédagogique: cours de M. Mopin

Cours d'anglais pendant le confinement

Le passé dans le présent: Avaldsnes

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This is Avaldsnes, a small village near Haugesund in Western Norway. Today, it’s small. But more than 1,000 years ago, it was the home of Viking kings.

My name is Chette Leifsen. I’m a Viking here, at the Viking village by the Holhusrt Church. And we are four Vikings here and every Sunday during the whole Summer we try helping tourists understand how the Vikings lived and help tourists try Viking activities and Viking games.

The Viking farm is around a fifteen-minute walk from the Nordvine History Center. This museum was constructed underground, in order to protect as much of the natural landscape as possible. Inside, there is a short film and exhibitions about the Viking chieftains and their families who made a life here at Avaldsnes. The most famous, Harald Harfagre, is believed to have lived around the year 865 to 933.He’s commonly known in English as Harald Fairhair, and was believed to be the first king of Norway.

Back at the Viking farm, I joined the guided tour led by the chieftain’s wife to learn more about the area and how they lived.

This is where we eat, sleep, and work.

And then it’s… move it slowly around. If you do it fast, you will polish the stone and the stone will be useless afterwards. And you will get stone flakes in your food.

When he opened his eyes, the fog was gone. And he said he saw several wizards climbing up the hill




Comparez cette expérience avec ce que nous avons vu sur Victorian Farm dans un texte de 100 mots :

-Is it the same kind of experience? What are the differences and the common points?

-Which one do you prefer? Why?


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The experience Victorian Farm is more extensive, because the people are immersed for a whole year and cut from the rest of the world. The Avaldsnes experience is more of a living museum: visitors can see a parcel of what it was like to be a viking, but the people in costumes go home every day to their 21st century house. It is easier for us, because we can go back to "reality" every day. But it is not as efficient to make us feel the way people did at the time. It is interactive, but not true to life.

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