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Continuité pédagogique: cours de M. Mopin

Cours d'anglais pendant le confinement

la création et le rapport aux arts

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Vous pouvez re-regarder la vidéo avec les sous-titres our avoir le texte exact. Voici une coipie d'élève qui donne tout ce qu'on peut attendre sur ce genre d'exercice. 


Dans le documentaire sur l’art, trois personnes prennent la parole. La première explique qu’il est important que les gens regardent l’art car nous vivons dans un monde visuel. Comprendre, regarder et penser est important pour essayer de communiquer de différentes façons. Il faut regarder les journaux, aller dans les musées, voir les oiseaux afin d’exister et de vivre le moment présent.

La deuxième personne nous dit que nous pensons que la seule manière de voir l’art est d’aller dans les musées alors qu’il y a plein d’artistes de rue, l’art est aussi sur les architectures, dans les parcs, les buildings, les films et partout dans la vie de tous les jours.

La troisième personne explique qu’il est important de ne pas s’en tenir à la première impression : bien ou pas bien. En s’arrêtant et en regardant plus profondément, on peut voir des détails. Même en état dehors, il faut écouter, marcher doucement, prendre le temps d’être conscient des choses autour de soi.



Voici maintenant un texte sur la création artistique. Lisez-le et, sans autre document, essayez de répondre aux questions qui suivent. 


Why We Make Art | Lee Hammond


So why do we make art? Why is art so important to us? It’s simple. Because we enjoy it. In fact, we live for it. Few in life have this type of passion for a certain thing, particularly something that’s so enjoyable. It was given to us at birth, and it drives us forward. It’s reasonable to see how frustrating it may be for someone with a lackluster life, to see us having so much fun, and being so fulfilled.
But it is art-WORK. Few understand how very hard it is to develop these skills, and to try to take it to a profession level. Even the artist who does it as a hobby and pure joy of doing it, has moments of pure frustration when it doesn’t work out. We all know how it feels to take on the daunting task of learning a new technique. We know the tears when a piece becomes a disaster instead of a masterpiece. We are artists, not magicians, and the magic is not pulled out of a hat. We struggle. We keep on trying. We WORK at it.

But, I believe the most important aspect of why we make art is in the legacy we leave behind by following our heart’s desire and God-given talents. When we are gone, a tangible expression of our life will be left behind. If we teach, the joy of passing the creative process down to others will live on and on.

Why We Make Art: It’s Who We Are

I recently returned to Kansas City to teach a class to many of my former students. Many of them felt that after I moved away, they wouldn’t be able to draw well anymore. When I left I told them that I had given them all of my tricks and tips, and all they needed to do was keep on trying and practicing. While it was indeed sad to move away, I was right. Most of the students came to class armed with their accomplishments of what they had done in my absence. I had taught them well, for their work was just as good, if not better, than when I had left. They had realized and found their potential.

Someone recently asked me, “Why do we keep making even more art, when we have stacks of projects completed already? What is the point of it all?” I certainly know that dilemma. Can you imagine the amount of art I have collected over the years with all of the books that I’ve written? Surely, you would think I would never need one more! But, make more, I do. Because it’s what I love, and creating art makes me happy. It’s not just what I do, it is who I am! It fills my day with a feeling of joy, and that’s why we are alive to begin with. To be happy.

Why We Make Art: It’s a Gift

When I donate my artwork for charity, that legacy lives on, and it helps someone. When I create a gift for someone, that artwork becomes an heirloom, and it lives on. When I write a book, it becomes a legacy of learning and it lives on. So, as you can see, art is life itself. That’s why we do it. We are told to do it from deep down inside.

Never feel bad or guilty for doing something that makes you feel so happy. Life isn’t all about working at something you hate, earning your money and then dying. If you were fortunate enough to be born creative, your art is the greatest thing you can do to make a positive difference in your own life and others. We have a gift of creativity, and we should use it. Will you be misunderstood at times? Will you be judged? Probably. But so what? I’d rather be happily different, than miserable with life and blend right in!

Keep being the wonderful creative person that you are! I’m so happy to know that I can share it with you!



1) What can you guess about the author?

2) From what she says, can everybody be an artist? What does it take?

3) What is the use of art according to the text?

4) Try and explain what you understand these words mean:






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